19 September, 2014

Job In The Economy

  Economy isn't one of my best subjects, nor is it one of my favorite subjects. To me economy is important to the functions of this world, but very boring. When I hear economy I think of money and other types of business things. Which again, is very boring! I think that our parents work within the economy, I know my dad and mom do because my dad is a financial adviser. My mother is a layer and my brother is a computer programmer. What do your parents or family members do?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. your supposed to post a question just to warn you.

  3. Hey Rachel, I really like how you let out how it's not one of your favorite subjects. I like how you’re honest about it. Your honesty about how you think it is boring is both true and quite amusing in the most respectable way. But i have a question. Why do you hate economics so strongly as you do? But anyway....... Great Post!

  4. Rachel, I completely agree with Meg! Well done. I'll try to scrape off some of the boring as we move through this topic.
    : )


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