18 September, 2014

Episode I: That's How We Roll!

Hola Amigos!

So this will be your first blogging assignment of the year. Without going even one step further, I’d like you to know the definition of this word, especially examples 1b and 2. Got it? Good. Now toss some of that cleverness into your writing. As explained in class, blogging is a different style of writing than would be used for an essay. Use your wit. Be a little conversational. Toss in a relevant cartoon or two. Capture the attention of your readers and don’t let it go!

For your first assignment, the topic is economics. We just started talking in class about “best” businesses, like the best pizza place or best place to go with fun money, and we were beginning to look at what these businesses could do to be even better. On top of this, you have also learned something (I hope!) about economics in previous classes. So what I’d like to know is what springs to mind when you hear that word...economics. What do you think of? What images come to mind? What do you think you will be learning about? What do you WANT to learn about? Following the guidelines in Blogging 101: A Starter Course, drop your first POST. Remember that this blog is public, so you want to show your best writing for your readers. You do want them to think you are brilliant, eh?

(Notice that I tossed in a catchy title, a few links to keep things interesting, and ended with a question for future COMMENTS? This was my attempt to help guide you, just as the Blogging 101 post was intended to do!)
BTW...the above post was 234 words. I checked!

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