19 September, 2014

It's All About The Money

You want to know what springs to mind when I hear the word economics? Well, I think of money, money, and even more money. I think of trade, businesses, taxes, saving money, spending money, earning money, basically anything and everything that has to do with money.

To buy things, you need to spend money. When you sell things, you earn money. You have to use money to pay taxes. You spend and earn money when you’re trading. All of these things have to do with the economy. And you want to know what else they have to do with? Yup, money.

So tell me, don't you agree that money plays a big role in economics?


  1. Great job, Lily! I really like your post and I totally agree with you. I wrote my post about shopping. Please comment to it! I also like the way you made your exit. Super cool! Can your comment (hopefully to mine) be as awesome as mine is? That’s a challenge! :)

    1. Thanks! I also commented on your post! Did you see it? Do you think it's as good as yours?!

  2. Great comic to go with the topic!!


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