22 September, 2014

Boring, Boring, and Boring!

I think economics is BORING!!! When I hear the word economic I think of sitting behind a desk and doing math. Yes, economics is the reason why stores we love stay up and running, but think about how that’s done. You have the owner of the store who has people to do math, handle shipments, bills, etc. I mean just reading about it sounds boring. So just think about this, while their doing all of that, they could be doing something 10 times more fun, like watching YouTubers?


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I totally agree, I think that economics is really boring. When, I think of economics I don't usually think of how it keeps up stores and everything else but I guess that's true. I wonder if people stopped buying things from everywhere and everyone was a farmer, then would the economy stop?

  3. I think if everyone in the world started farms and bought farming supplies, we could all be Subsistence Farmers and then provide for ourselves, and actually save some money since we wont have to go grocery shopping, so I think we've got an ideal going here. Don’t you think this could work?


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