22 September, 2014

Economic: Filtered

Economics. Hmmm. Well I don’t necessarily think about economics enough to have something to spring to my mind about. I think that economics is an uncomfortable topic to talk about with other kids my age. I thinks its because over the years, where I went to school, it was not very diverse, so my thoughts were not necessarily shared with any of peers. When I think of economics, I think of exploitation, and discrimination. But I say this not to smack talk all economics ever, but make a point. Don’t get me wrong I also think that some economics are good, if they come from an equal society, and they are using a brilliant idea that does not discriminate, or exploit anyone in order to do what they are doing.
But normally for me when i think economics i think exploitation.
Now if you are thinking “what is she talking about???” i’ll give you an example.
In western Canada the indigenous people of many First Nations are being exploited for the oil near or in their First Nation. So basically if you don’t quite understand what I am saying then here.

Big business men and women are making these big decision to drill oil out of the ground in these peoples’ home. SO, they are going in and drilling out the oil,and making messes. But, they are “following” some rules. They sort of following the treaties of those Indigenous people. ( a treaty is an agreement made between the colonizing people of that area and the Indigenous people of that area). So the way that they think they are “giving back” to those people being exploited, is they are paying every single one of them who is on that band...money. Money! I think that that is just unfair. Instead of paying them money, and going against will to exploit them, and the land, they could just not do it. They could find another way that did not harm. And I understand that many and most of the things that we do today involves oil, but still, that does not make it any less wrong.

So ask yourself, can you help prevent exploitation in the economy?

Click the Cartoon button to see it.


  1. I see what your saying, but you show a much more harsh side to economics compared to the easy “I think of money and business” way most people went. It is a huge problem that big business people are drilling into people’s homes and community’s but for now were unable to make a difference just yet. I believe we will be able to make a difference when were all older, but when we're able to vote will everyone else make the same decision.

  2. Ewaaseset...never sell yourself short! I understand what you are saying, but people younger than you have made a difference in the world. Care to prove me wrong?
    : )
    Great post, Aja!


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