21 September, 2014

My 2 Cents

For most people, economics means money. Well, for me, I think of shopping. I guess some might say that’s related to money, and it is, but am I writing about money? No, I am not. I am writing about shopping. 
When I go shopping, I look for sales. Stores have sales for many reasons; they might have overstocked, maybe something went out of style, or they just want to make money. This is where economics plays it’s role, where do you play yours?


  1. I guess I’m one of those people who think that money is a huge part of economics...But I agree with what you said too! Whenever someone says “economics” I think of shopping (buying/selling things) as well! I also think that economics plays a big part in the sales at stores. Am I right (or am I right)?


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