23 September, 2014

The World of Economics and Money

When ever someone hears economics they think of goods and services. That's right but mostly economics mean money or business. Every business uses economics like Rick Snyder he has to pay for making new roads to the company. Economics is here so we can shop, pay our bills,and other stuff that we use money for. I think economics is important because if we didn't we wouldn't be wealth. What do you think if there was no economics?


  1. I agree with you, I think of money and business and how much money their business is making and what the government is doing with their money. I also agree that we would not be wealthy without economics, we can pay our bills this way.I also like your picture, it really drew my attention and made me want to comment, don't you think so?

  2. I think without economics a lot of stuff would go wrong in the world. Like people wouldn't be able to buy food and homes. Also the government wouldn’t have any money so the roads would be bad, no bridges, no banks, etc. There would be less schools and no money.

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