22 September, 2014

The Art of Cash!

When I think about Economics, I think about money. When I think about money, I think about spending it, saving it, and having fun. If I had a whole lot of moola I would buy myself a car, save some for college, and I would go to Atlantis with my family. But, I probably won’t have that much cash for a few more years so for now  shopping at any mall is enough. I also think about government when I think about economics. I mean its hard not to think about government with all the silly choices ours has been making lately!  My parents make good choices when it comes to money, they invest in my sports, school, and our families quality of life. They do this because they love me and they want me to have a successful life. Your parents probably want the same for you too. I hope that this year during economics I can learn more about stocks, saving, and government! Last year in Social Studies I learned about economics and different economies. I am excited to learn  more about economics this year! Bottom line, economics is an important part of our day to day life. What would you do if you could  control our country’s economy?    


  1. Audra I think you explained very well . Today and right now I think we all should be saving for college and a car. But every once and a while we should spend a little fun money. Parents should spend there money wisely or life will be hard. We as kids should think about doing that too,for the future.What do you tink you could do to make a little money?

  2. Great point Audra! I love how you related economics to your life. I need to do a better job saving and probably a lot of other people do too. My family like your's is pretty good about making good choices, but a lot of other people aren’t. Why not save?

  3. Great post...and comic! I love the energy and enthusiasm that Tigger has. Kinda like you!


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