18 September, 2014

Turning Wastewater Into Hydrogen Fuel

To find something to replace the fossil fuels is a tough job but there maybe a solution. Researchers from Pennsylvania State University have found a way to extract unlimited amounts of hydrogen from waste water, using seawater and some special bacteria. Bruce Logan, has been conducting tests with bacteria that are capable of releasing hydrogen from waste water. After they figured out the right combination of bacteria needed. They had to find a clean way to provide the bacteria the energy needed to eat the water waste. They thought of a brilliant idea instead of removing the salt which will take up a lot of energy they will do the opposite which will release energy and that is called Reverse Desalination. This should at least give the bacteria enough fuel to work and produce hydrogen. Which could then be captured in a hydrogen production plant. This for now only works good in a laboratory but they are going to test it on larger scales.This project not only good for our fuel needs it also cleans the waste water. Do you think it will work good on bigger scales or not?


  1. Wow I knew that fossil fuels were hard to replace but i didn't think it would be thought of until about 2015. Believe me I'm not complaining but wow. If it was in big factories; jobs would increase, the fossil fuels would be not running out, life would be better.

  2. Interesting information, but what does this have to do with the topic?

    1. The first thing that clicks in my mind when I hear the word economics are the gas prizes. Currently, the world economy and western society in general runs on fossil fuels, which is a finite resource. The United States is committed to reducing its dependence on petroleum fuels as a result of increasing focus on environmental, public health, and energy security issues, thereby increasing our economy.


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