19 September, 2014

How do Economics Work?

How do Economics Work?

When I hear the word economics or economy, I think of money, bills, checks, and even coins. An image that pops into my head for some reason is a capital building, or a government building, or the White House. But what comes up for most people is the well known dollar sign. Something that I think we will learn about is how all of these big stores and industries work, like how does all of the money come from this place to that place? I want to learn about, well pretty much what I just said. Well, I guess this is it. For now. Mwahahaha! Just kidding, but in all seriousness, what do you guys want to learn about?

1 comment:

  1. Dear Leo, I think your title goes with what you said in your 75 words or more.You explain very well how you think of the word economics.Your article is very interesting, but you made many grammar mistakes.Well, I want to learn about how people make money and how it impacts other people on their business.


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