18 September, 2014

What's In Your Wallet?

What comes to mind when I hear economics you ask? Well what comes to mind for me is business, or government. Economics are pretty dang weird i'll say that! What it all really boils down to is you have to spend your money in the right way. For example, my mom spends a crap ton of money with AAU basketball and football. It’s not because she has a bunch of money to throw around, it’s because she knows I love basketball so that’s not stupid. And so I ask you, what's in your wallet?


  1. Whats in my wallet you ask money and your right you have to spend it in the right way if you like b ball then ya your right its not a waste but don't use it all I like your pic and how you used it have fun with basket ball.

  2. Well, in my wallet there is money. I agree with you KJ, you do have to spend the money the right way or you wont have any. And so I ask you, what's in your wallet?

    1. Well just like you tyler, in my wallet there is money, and thanks.


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