18 September, 2014

When and how did economics start?

Did you ever wonder how economics started? And how people lived before that? Maybe it started tens of thousands years ago when some cavemen who couldn’t count, couldn’t even speak for the first time traded a fish for a bone? Or maybe when first farmers decided to plant some seeds hoping for big harvest instead of eating them right there? Maybe it even started before humans appeared on our planet? How do you think did it start?


  1. How could it start before humans even existed? If we go along with what you think economics is. Planting a seed, trading or bartering. Then without people we wouldn't have economics. When you say "how people lived before that". There has never been a time when people haven't used economics. Even the least functioning creatures of our ancestry [the cavemen] eventually gave someone a tool to trade for something. Economics has existed for as long as people have lived and will still exist for ever! How about you?

  2. well animals like monkeys might've traded a coconut for a banana
    when do you think economics started?


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