25 September, 2014

Money Runs The World

When I think of Economics I think of MONEY! Economics is the increasing and decreasing  of money. It depends on if you're a small business or large,and how many you own. The more money you could make.If you think about it Economics run the world’s system, it plays a large role.This is the main reason why we have a president and the government. What do you think about Economics and how it interests you?


  1. Your title really catches my attention. What you wrote about was very interesting and true. When I think of economics I think a lot like what you wrote. I really liked how you described everything.

  2. I liked what you said, when i hear economics i also think of MONEY! I think of businesses and how people have to work together to form a good business. I liked the way you formed your paragraph and the way you said it. If i asked you what the main roles that the president does what would they be? By giving more people jobs and helping our country? i liked the way you had your paragraph. GOOD JOB!


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