19 September, 2014

What I tried to Remember about Economics


                In my mind when I heard the word economic it went blank, nothing. We’ll I’m pretty sure I wasn't the only, at least I hope, but then I remembered I had a huge unit on it last year. I still can’t remember anything about it, so I started reading other people's blogs to see if I remembered anything. One person committed how they remember doing an entrepreneur night at Cornell. Oh yeah. The point in doing that was to show us how people sell things. Like how people are quite picky about the price, and how the item actually had to interest them.
       Actually I’m quite surprised on some of these posts. I thought some people would have been a little wittier, but enough of other people posts! Let’s focus back on me. After I read the shorter comments I’ll just say that the economics is about how a community works. Yes, it’s about money and jobs, yes it’s about food, and yes it’s supposed to be about the people, but I think economics is how all that works together. Those are my thought on economics, what about you?   

1 comment:

  1. What do I think? I think it was very smart of you to read what other students might be writing about! Economics does kind of make the world go around...but lacking wit, what's the point?
    : )


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