23 September, 2014


When you hear the word economics what do you think of? I think of social studies and business. I don't think there is someone that knows everything about economics. But I do know something about economics, it has to do with work and money. The definition of economics is the branch of knowledge concerned with the production, consumption, and transfer of wealth. So when someone asks you what economics is what is the first thing that comes to your head?


  1. I really wish the world wouldn’t revolve on money, but what you said it really true. I also think economic revolves around jobs. If no one did anything we all would turn into lazy bums watching Soap Opera, crying out our eyeballs. No, I’m just kidding we all would probably be lost because no one would be taking care of the cables. (Something like that) When I heard the word economics I thought “oh, no”. I’m not a big fan of learning how our econ works, so tell me, what do you think the world would be like without money?

    1. I think the world with out money would be weird because everything would be free and how do you think it would work if money didn't exist. There would have to be no workers in the stores because everything would be free.

  2. When I hear the economics I also think of business and social studies. I also think that there is no one in the world who knows all about economics, economics is a lot to learn about its difficult to know all about it. I myself really don't know much about economics, i just know that it has something to go with money and the government. I like how you kind of included the definition of economics. How did you come up with the title?

    1. Well, Ben actually came up with it.


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