19 September, 2014


Hey Guys,

Economy is when i think of it is like selling and buying products from a seller.  I also think of having and not having supplies such as food, technology, and economic supplies.  It is mainly formed as wealth of resources is a certain area.  In different regions or countries they have different resources there.  Especially in terms of the production and consumption of goods and services.  An economy is a system which tries to balance the available resources of a country land, labor, capital and enterprise against the wants and needs of consumers.  This is what I think of economy.

Thanks for tuning in

1 comment:

  1. This is an interesting way to think about it. I never looked at it that way. I’ve always just thought of money, and the import and export of goods, rather than food and such. Do you think there’s a specific reason causing you to think of it like this, or why this comes to mind when someone says the word economy?


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