13 October, 2016

teen creates her own fashion line

                Isabella Rose Taylor from Austin Texas, was 8 when she started to go to sewing camp. By the time she was 11, she had finished high school, and was working on fashion designs. Her mother always told her to follow her dreams, and she said: "why wait?" so she didn't.Once had created her own fashion line, her social media blew up with popularity. Many people wanted her clothes, and her parents realized that this could be a business. Now sold in over 10 stores, and online, she's more popular than ever, and still continues to work on clothes today. Like Isabella says: "Why wait?"

10 October, 2016

Young Candle

It all started with Hart Main a 14 year old that sent himself out to prove his sister wrong he teased his sister about the girly scented candles,and he would change it and say but she thought he wasn't going to do anything. So for start he put his own $100 to start off and his parents gave him $200 but only under one condition was he to pay them back by money earned through the candle business. He now was a variety of scented candles like Sawdust, Coffee, Fresh Cut Grass, Campfire, Bacon, Grandpa's Pipe, New Mitt, New York Style Pizza and Dirt. The cost of one scented candle is $9.50 and if you order more than 20 you get a discount.  Most stressful thing about being a dragon:trying to blow out your candles on your birthday cake.  

13-year-old businessman

    Hi. I want to talk about a 13-year-old businessman, Main. In 2010, when he was 13-year-old, he established a candle company to sell the fragrance of "manly".

    His business started from a small talk with his sister: she was selling candles girly scent for the fundraising activities of the school, and he got the idea that "Manly fragrance" should be cool at that time. His produced “Manly fragrance” was grass, bacon, sawdust, leather, and so on. He named them ManCansThen, he began ManCans business in order to get a new $1,200 new bike for triathlon. Actually he got it within a few months!

    Why did you choose him? I thought he is a rare entrepreneur who began selling new scent candles. Do you want ManCans?

09 October, 2016

The Sneaker Don

Ben Kapelushnik, known as The Sneaker Don, is 17 and he is in his junior year at Fort Lauderdale High School. Ben was home schooled through the fourth grade. Then he started attending a public school in the 5th grade. Ben is the most recognizable sneaker re-seller in a flourishing resale market, worth about 1.2 billion dollars. In 2016 Ben was trying to make 1 million in sales this year to stay on track so the people can buy his sneakers on sneakerdon.com. He also get’s to work alongside many celebrities. The reason I can connect to Ben Kapelshnik because my brother does something similar. Ben buys new shoes and resells them for a higher amount to make a profit. My brother takes old shoes and doctors them up then resells them for a profit. Do you think my brother could build a business like The Sneak Don?

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"Kool" Ideas Lead to Thousands

Hello everyone,

Jaden (12) and Amaya (11) own a snow cone company called Kool Kidz Sno Konez. Their parents thought that they ought to start making some money to pay for their own things. The kids decided to sell snow cones in their front yard. By the end of two summers they had made over one-thousand dollars,They talked about opening a storefront for their business, but their Mom talked them into a more reasonable idea, buying a food truck. Their business has grown and is well known around the town of  Memphis. Along with the twenty flavors of snow cones, Jaden and Amaya have  recently added hot dogs and nachos to their menu. If these young kids can make so much money off of something simple why can't you?
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What...Did You Say A "Man Candle"?

Did you ever hear of a man candle till now? So right now you are  probably thinking that I’m insane. But luckily I’m not,  man candles do exist. Who came up with this idea you may ask well here it is Mr. Main, or Hart Main to be exact. This 14 year old came up with this astounding idea of ManCans. This all happened in Maysville, his younger sister was making some candles, with some “girly” scents like cupcakes, vanilla, and etc. So right at that moment ManCans was born. The scents are so wacko with the following... grass, wood, leaves and so much more! Each of candle that you purchase is made out of a soup can, and that soap is donated to those that are in need. This idea  started out as a joke but then he thought that this would be a great idea for a product. In fact this is such a great idea that he brought then to a few local stores, with also 60 of them across the country. Who will be the next person to invent something unimaginable will it be YOU?

Teen Entrepreneur: Dance

Ever since 17 year old Lacey Koughan was 12, she always wanted to open her own dance school. Lacey lives in Charlottetown, Canada. She danced ever since she was four years old. She wanted to open her own dance school because she likes to teach kids how to dance and to share her passion with others. She has been saving up money from other jobs for her business. Lacey plans to begin teaching on April 14th and she already has 25 students for the three weekly classes. She never believed that you have to be older to make a difference. Will you make a difference like Lacey?

10 year old owns his own business, Mr. Cory's Cookies

  1. You may think that a ten year old is too young to own a business, but Cory Nieves proved you wrong. Cory Nieves is a 5th grader that sells cookies for a dollar. This thriving business started off as selling hot chocolate because he didn’t want to take the bus anymore, so he wanted to purchase his mom a car. After a little bit of time he added cookies, and lemonade to the menu. Cory got $100 a day from selling only those 3 items. Someone was being mean to him and called the health department to shut the small business down. Thankfully the health department helped Cory incorporate the business legally. If the health department didn’t help him to make it legal he probably wouldn’t be where he is now in his business. Later this young business man was on Ellen DeGeneres show, and Ellen gave Cory and his mom $10,000 and a new car. That was really nice of Ellen! Now Cory is the CEO of Mr. Cory’s cookies, which is an all natural bakery in Englewood New Jersey. Cory goes around and sells cookies to boutiques, barber shops, car dealerships, farmers markets, community events for $1. Mr. Todd’s Pie Company is a big help to his business. He lets Cory use his commercial kitchen and Mr. Todd sells Cory’s cookies for him too. During the summer he works full time, but of course he has to take time off the be a normal kid. Outside of his business he likes to take art and karate classes. During the school year he is only limited to work on Saturdays, and after school if they really need him. He went through a lot to get this business. You may think kids are too young to own a business, but think again. Have you ever wanted to own a business like Cory?

A Sneaker Loving Teen Is Useing Shoes To Create A new Kind of Kick

Chase Reed and his father,Troy Reed, Have created a Sneaker Pawn shop on Lenox Avenue in NYC's Harlem neighborhood. The idea was born when Chase had asked Troy for some money to buy sneakers even though Chase had spent hundreds of dollars already on sneakers before. Reed would hold on to a pair of shoes until his money was repaid. The idea came when Chase said "Dad, your actually kind of making me pawn you my sneakers" It was then the light bulb went of. They decided to renovate a space in Harlem And created "Sneaker Pawn". Chase had to sell much of his own collection to pay for the Property but As he Says, "Certain Things You Have To Sacrifice."
So if Chase can create a snazzy idea like that, What can you Do?
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07 October, 2016

Presenting... Lemonade Millionaire, MIkaila Ulmer!

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Mikaila Ulmer is not your average Texas girl. This 11 year old girl sells lemonade sweetened with honey instead of sugar, which makes it healthier and helps saves bees (It's called "Bee Sweet Lemonade"). After winning $60,000 on TV show Shark Tank, Mikaila landed a 11 million dollar deal to sell her lemonade a t Whole Foods. Her lemonade can now be bought in 55 Whole Foods markets in Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma. Can YOU find a luckier gal than Mikaila???Image result for ulmer bee sweet
Image result for bee sweet lemonade shark tank

Teen Paid for College by Etsy

               Lei-lei started her business at 16 years old and it was a business revolving around handmade wire jewelry. She made around 100,000 dollars in making handmade jewelry and selling it on Etsy that was in the time period of 3 years. After all that success Lei-lei was awarded a couple of different awards such as the Young entrepreneur of the Year Award and National Federation of Independence Business. Then she designed her own website. She kept the same name for both her Etsy shop and her website Designed By Lei. She sold all sorts of jewelry from bracelets to earrings and necklaces if you needed a pretty accessory she would have it. Lei-lei made a lot of profit with this business and she even payed for her college! She did have a scholarship but she went to a school that was not in the same state she lived in so she had to pay extra. Can you belive that she started of as a teen making rings in her room and eventually made enough money ti get her all the way to college. If she could why couldn't you?

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Image result for designed by lei

Mo's bow

Hey Guys!

The best bow ties in the world are made by a kid named Mo. He is 14 but he started his business when he was 9. He makes bow ties and he first started out selling his bow ties for rocks at a playground then he started to expand and he started to make bow ties with his mother and his retired grandmother. Then he started his own website and his strong sense in fashion led him onto shows like the Steve Harvey show, The today show, good morning america, and eventually shark tank. He started a charity back in 2012 it was called go mo! And it was focused on sending Memphis children to summer camp. Mo wants to go to college at parsons in NYC and by the time he’s 20 he wants his own clothing line. Mo has a future for something he loves to do. Now what are you going to do for your future?Image result for Mo's bows

Teen Entrepreneur: dance

Ever since 17 year old Lacey Koughan was 12, she always wanted to open her own dance school. Lacey lives in Charlottetown, Canada. She danced ever since she was four years old. She wanted to open her own dance school because she likes to teach kids how to dance and to share her passion with others. She has been saving up money from other jobs for her business. Lacey plans to begin teaching on April 14th and she already has 25 students for the three weekly classes. She never believed that you have to be older to make a difference. Will you make a difference like Lacey?

Seven-Year-Old Sock Wonder

Life is really good for 8 year old Sebastian Martinez, considering he’s making bank at such a young age. Martinez started his sock business, “Are You Kidding”, at age 5. He became the CEO at age 7. His idea for the company came from his collecting of fun and crazy socks. In 2014, Sebastian, and his director of sales/older brother, Brandon Martinez, made $15,000 in revenue thanks to their brilliant idea. Are You Kidding teamed up with a lot of other organizations to donate some of the funds to their causes. Examples include the American Cancer Society, The Live Like Bella Foundation, The Hue Studio, and Discovery Arts. If an 8 year old can do all this, what can you do to make your dreams a reality like Sebastian?

06 October, 2016

Bee Queen

 It all started when Mikaila Ulmer in Austin, Texas got two bee stings in one week.  She noticed that bees were dying and she knew that they were important to the world, so that's what got her thinking.  Eleven year old Mikaila Ulmer started a lemonade business to give money to the bees.  But the sweet and refreshing beverage wasn't just any normal lemonade.  She used the recipe her great grandma gave her from a 1940’s cookbook.  The recipe called it Me and the Bees Lemonade a combination of flax seed, mint, and sweetened with honey from local honeybees.  Mikaila started at her local pizzeria, but then moved to her local Whole foods store, then to her high-end grocery store.  Thanks to Mikaila, her product became so popular she soon moved to a famous TV show Shark Tank where she now sells her “queen bee” beverage all over the southeast in a store called Whole foods in USA.  Being an entrepreneur you solve problems in the world.  Mikaila Ulmer made a difference, why can't you?

High School Dropout into CEO of Company?


17-year-old Ben Pasternak is one of many teen entrepreneurs who has really stacked up those bucks.  Born the oldest of three kids in Australia, Ben lives in a house of five people: Anna and Mark, his parents and Maya and Jake his two siblings.

Ben is the CEO of a company called Flogg . Flogg is basically a cross between Tinder and Ebay. Ben has created a quick and easy way to buy and sell items. And just swipe right to save to your favorites for a future buy.

Ben has raised around 2 million dollars creating an app. How will you earn your money? Would you create an app?

Maya Penn; author, designer, activist, artist and cartoonist.


Today, I'd like to tell you an inspiring story of a teen girl that changed the world doing what she loves! Maya is an author, computer programmer and a motivational speaker. She also is an artist and clothing designer.  
Maya Penn was eight years old when she started selling recycled headbands on Pinterest. The pinterest board grew popular, snowballing into a business. Realizing the amount of popularity she was gaining, she decided to continue making Eco friendly clothing and shoes. At 13 years old she created a book called "You Got This!: Unleash Your Awesomeness, Find Your Path, and Change Your World". The book advocates young women, helping them find a voice. She published that and gained even more support. She became the CEO of her very own company, Maya's Ideas. The now 16 year old Maya paid for her college tuition off the proceeds she had for selling clothes.

Maya is extremely inspiring. She’s only 16 and has now made three beautiful TED talks, discussing her passions as well as millions of dollars off pinterest and her inspiring book. 10-20% of her proceeds go to global charities. She sells things all over the world. All she had to do is make recycled headbands, it’s that easy. I hope this proves to you that it’s not hard to make a difference. How are you going to change the world?
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Isabella Dymalovski's Cosmetic Business

Isabella Dymalovski is 13 when she created her cosmetic company.After she was rejected from using her mom's cosmetics,she decided to make her own,natural and not tested on animals.After people came to buy her products,she started to make nail polish and silicone shoe laces too.Her company name is "Luv ur self",her cosmetic line is "Luv ur skin",and her accessories line is "Luv ur body".Isabella said the hardest part of doing this job is to not being taken seriously when she have meetings.For example,when people have problems,they'll tell her mom but will never tell her,but her mom is very supportive and she always tell them to talk to Isabella instead of her.So now you have heard her story, when are you going to start your own business?Image result for isabella dymalovski

Teen Turns Hobby Into Global Business

Teen Runs Global Business!

Image result for bella weems Bella Weems was a fourteen year old who had a simple dream of owning her own car by the time she could drive. After one month of babysitting she still wasn't making any progress,so she talked to her parents about starting her own business. Her parents gave her a small loan to start the business that was soon named  Origami Owl's.Bella combined her art skills and a childhood hobby of decorating jewelry to create a business that lets you purchase custom lockets.To get the busines started Bella held parties to get her business going.She invited friends ans family who were interested in the product.Everyone bought the chains,the locket,and the charms that go inside.Bella's product was so popular she created a web sight to get more avertisment,she also got her product out there by wearing the lockets.Bella and her mother got about 60,00 dollars a week when they opened a small kiosk,an d not long after that her business went completely global.Bella had a simple dream that she made a reality.She is now a millionair, why cant you do that?

The FoodieTeen!

Hey guys!

The FoodieTeen is about a teenager just like you and me. Alessandra, was diagnosed with celiac disease and other food intolerance's in 2004. She was felling out of energy, so she started eating healthier and came up with some great recipes. She relied that she could help people with similar intolerance's by sharing her recipes so she started a blog. Her blog became sort of  popular and she deserves it. In fact, she is working on a cookbook that she is extremely exited for! She works really hard on her blog, could you give that sort of determination?
Click here to check out her blog.

Chase Reed's Shoes


The entrepreneur I will be writing about is Chase Reed who is a 16 year old who sells shoes at his very own pawn shop. Chase says he is always on social media and even his dad Troy Reed doesn't care because for every like he gets they make money. Chase didn't always start out like this when he was 14 he had over 200 pairs of shoes. Chase's dad ended up making Chase sell all his shoes
and with all that money opened a small pawn shop. Chase's system of making money trading and selling so he will trade a shoe in the store for another, Chase has acquired two pairs of the Back to the Future futuristic shoes. The total count of total earnings over 30,000 dollars in about a year. My question for you is do you think eventually you can acquire 200 pairs of shoes.

7 Year Old Chef?

             16-year-old Remmi Smith started her career of cooking at the age of seven. When she was around 3 all she wanted to do was eat. Her mother started to get Remmi to help her cook. By the time she was 7 Remmi could cook full meals. Now Remmi is 16 and is the Student Ambassador for Health and Nutrition for Sodexo. Sodexo is  food company that supplies free food for schools across America. Remmi talks to students all over the country about the importance of eating healthy. Sodexo serves Remmi's original recipes.
             Remmi even has her very own online cooking show. A channel on tv gives her a weekly spot. Remmi has her own Published cookbook. Have you ever heard of a chef who started that young?
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Sriracha, who doesn't love Sriracha, it’s sweet, spicy, sour and many flavors that don’t overpower flavor, everything taste better with Sriracha Tran claims ( the owner of the company), The news go to the Sriracha company and do a review on it, the news reporter said if it's too spicy then put less. But how did it started? Tran sells his products in a van he manages to get low profit with nothing to do with social  media, then a chef called David Chang that put it on the menu then it becomes famous. Also, there is a food writer Randy Clements wrote two cookbooks and the business has gone off the roof on the shelf and the company has many more things like ketchup, chip chicken and etc. So, do you think Sriracha is spicy?
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Lego: how is it so famous and who invented it?

Lego is one of the most popular toys in the world, millions kids like to play it, so am I.There are many Lego show and game in the world every year, there are also some new Lego come out.But why it is so famous? What’s the history of Lego?
The Lego toys are so famous is because it’s not so hard to start, and not so easy to end, Lego toys are always in many small pieces, so that means you don’t have to combine them together like what the book tells you, you can combine them together whatever you want, like you can use some Lego bricks to build a tower, and also use the same bricks to build a bridge, so that can make people be interesting in these toys, these toys also can make kids smarter, so there are more parents will buy Lego for their kids, that makes Lego toys so famous.
The man who invented the Lego is named Ole Kirk Christiansen, he was born in Danish. He started make toys at workshop in 1934, and then he named his toys “Lego”, and these kind of toys soon became popular, and his company became bigger and bigger too, and this company soon made Lego shows, Lego movie, Lego T-shirt and so on. That’s the history of Lego.
Do you think playing Lego is pretty fun?

Mr. Minecraft

Gabriel Sylverson, age 15, has made a career out of the virtual game Minecraft. He gets paid with money from downloads of the world of Minecraft websites by other players to make Minecraft builds, such as castles, along with his staff from his business. In the beginning, he's made about $1-2 per build, but has gotten more as his business grew.
He got into this through competitions on creative servers, and owner of PVP (Player vs Player) asking him to help them with builds. Some people may see this as lazy gamer's having people play for them, but when Gabriel is on a Skype call with the owner, a lot of planning goes underway. Gabriel also plays many other games besides Minecraft, such as multiplayer and computer games. What games do you play?

Young YouTuber Changes the World

Does Osteogenesis Imperfecta stop him? No!  This twelve year old boy named Robby Novak a youtuber that started at 8 years old doesn’t let his disease that makes his bones brittle stop him from changing the world.  Robby Novak or as you may know him, Kid President, makes videos that are all over the internet from amazing women leaders to pep talks, he is making the world a better place video by video.
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12 year old Robby works for SoulPancake on Youtube, they are a channel that makes inspirational and mind blowing videos.  Robby started making videos for his brother and him for a hobby but soon realized that other people may like him too.  He posted one on YouTube and that turned out well, he posted more and SouPancake invited Robby to be on their channel.

Kid president currently lives in Tennessee, where he is still making the world a better place. After meeting Barack Obama, releasing his own book called Kid President’s Guide to Being Awesome and going through a leg surgery, he is grateful and still making videos.

Remember “you were made to be awesome”.  What will he do to “make the world more awesome”?