30 November, 2017


My favorite civilization to learn about was… INDUS VALLEY!
They were relatively peaceful, compared to the other ‘bloody’ and ‘conquering’ armed civilizations. They were very sophisticated and advanced, with cleanliness all around and a slice-of-life style of living in something resembling a city. I think I would’ve fit in just fine because I like peace and hate warfare. It’s all the world wants these days, warfare. The Indus people lived their own, safe, quiet lives while the world around them was going
A single tool I would have given them is a book of knowledge. They could’ve shaped the world by themselves, without warfare, and created a better place if only they had more knowledge about the world, like sickness and disease, and food shortage. They could’ve even ended world hunger before it even started, just reading that book!


Well, that concludes my blog post! Thank y’all! :)
~ Grace Jin ~

Babylonia, (this blog post will blow your minds) it's totally safe though

My totally tubular empire to learn about was the Babylonians, they are my total faves because they made the multiplication table, and Mrs.baker would love it.
Math is a great subject to learn and the fact that they began it is enough to blow my tiny little mind. They also made the 12 calendar thingie, and without it, I would probably think im still 3 years old because of my immaturity. I also think their name is quite unique. They also totally made the 60 minute hour, but I would appreciate it if they made it 70 minutes to perfect my beauty to its full extent.


My favorite civilization to learn about was Babylonia. They were more interesting than the other civilizations because they created the 60 minute hour, a calendar with the 12 lunar months, and advanced multiplication tables! If I lived with them, I bet I would be a lot smarter than I am right now. Something I would have magically transported would be my phone. I think they were not only smart at doing the things they did, but also communicating from maybe far away.


My favorite one was the babylonian, this was my favorite because they made a lot of things and came up with a lot of things  that were used now, like the 60  Second minute and turn that into an hour. The Babylonian also made 12 month calendar and advanced the multiplication tables. I think the Babylonian and work a lot with the sun and how it work Because of what they made.And that's why babylonia is my  favorite.

My favorite group to learn about was the Babylonian empire.They were rulers and I think that it's cool how they just take charge and ruled over other empires.Unlike some other empire rulers the Babylonian's rules were better than most of the other empires rules in my opinion.But they didn't help us out by creating the mathematical system though.

26 November, 2017

Babylonia 4 Life!!!!!!

My favorite civilization to learn about was the Babylonia empire because of all of there rules that actually made sense and their government was fair to all people and all of the other things they made like the mathematics system. I think I would be fine because it was fair and you could be and do whatever you want as a living and some of the things were easy and all i would have to do is not take a guy's eye out. The tool that would help the most was the mathematic system because you would use it everyday.

21 November, 2017

Time travel... to the Indus Valley?

My favorite Civilization to learn about was the INDUS VALLEY! Why? Because they seemed so peaceful... sigh. If only the world was like that now. Their peacefulness is why they were so interesting. Almost all of the civilizations we studied were full of war, which makes the Indus Valley people so unique. If I were to live with them, I think... I would have a hard time because 1) NO AIR CONDITIONING and 2) I am used to not having to find my own food and sometimes having a shortage of it. I think that being one of them would be an adventure. I think the tool that the people of the Indus Valley might find the most helpful would not be a computer, not a phone, not air conditioning, but the knowledge of electricity and its properties. Knowledge is a tool like some sappy weird saying once said: Image result for knowledge is a tool quote With the tool of knowledge of electricity and its properties, the people of the Indus Valley would have a much better time living. I mean, where would we be now if it wasn't for electricity? They would have lights, maybe electric heaters, and if they knew about it then, maybe they could develop things that we don't have now because it takes time to figure things out, and if they had the knowledge back then, they could figure things out that would take LOADS of time BEFORE we existed, so our current things that use electricity would probably be much more developed. If you know what I mean. Now I will leave you alone so you can figure out how to make a time machine to teach the people of the Indus Valley about electricity. See ya when you get back!


           Take a look. Just 1 real hard look at your day. You got up, did daily routine, went to school, and then you went home. Same thing everyday all school year. What if I told you that all of that is subconsciously run on an "internal clock" that is programmed based off the actual clock that says 60 seconds turns into a minute, and 60 minutes turns into an hour. Plus they made the 12 month calendar and one of the first sets of laws called Hammurabi's Code. Imagine how hard it would be to find out when to leave for the bus, or when to walk/bike to school, when class starts, when holidays are or when 60 minute detentions are over without the Babylonians. Now they did make a multiplication tables which SUCKS because we now have an academic class for the subject alone. I bet if they learned their charts would torture the human brain like this they would A. Keep their boring Math knowledge to themselves or B. Use it as a torture weapon. I bet if they used this as a weapon, they would have lasted longer. What do you guys think? A. or B. ? Would they have lasted longer if they crushed the knowledge of their enemies with geometry ((shudder, shudder)) and negative numbers?
Or would they do the same thing and share it with the world? Lemme know in the comments below, and don't forget to subscribe in the near future on Youtube to Brutus'sWordIsTrue1420. Later dudes.

P.S. Tell me if my post is 'Totally tubular dude'   
( If it's copy 'Totally tubular dude' then paste it and fill out the rest of your comment)
(If  it's not don't be a bum and copy & paste it anyway. thanks, Bro!)

Baby math

When you ask me what my favorite civilization that we learned about I would say... the Babylonians! they where my favorite civilization because they where the ones that created math and made it easy! If it weren't for the Babylonians, I would not know the feeling of total anxiety when I forget to do my homework. Thanks Babylonians, you have injected me with panic attacks and anxiety attacks. I would be a perfectly normal child if there was no such thing as math. like I said, thank you Babylonians.

Babylonians Are Awesome :)

The Babylonians are my favorite Ancient Culture because they made the multiplication table and as you know by watching my flipgrid math is my favorite subject.   Also without them we may not have a successful way of knowing the months of the year or knowing when an hour is up.  Think about how difficult it would be to understand the time and date without having the 12 month cycle or 60 minute hour.  Who would you chose to be your favorite group of the Ancient Culture?  


My favorite one was the Babylonian, this was my favorite because they made a lot of things and came up with a lot of things  that were used now, like the 60  Second minute and turn that into an hour. The Babylonian also made 12 month calendar and advanced the multiplication tables. I think the Babylonian and work a lot with the sun and how it work Because of what they made.And that's why Babylonia is my  favorite.

The Babylonian Mathematicians


The Babylonian civilization was my favorite. I think I appreciated them the most because they invented the multiplication table. Multiplication is something that everyone will use at some point. The Babylonians also created the calendar. That is how we kept track of the days, months, and years. Both of these items invented by the Babylonians were of good use.

Babylonians have a Rick and Morty IQ

The Babylonians was my favorite ancient civilization to learn about because I learned that they made the 60 minute/seconds time and the multiplication table to help me know how long until something. Plus, they made calendars so I would know what day it is and when schools going to end. That's why I like the Babylonians out of all the ancient civilizations.


My favorite group to learn about was the Babylonians. I liked them because they were very helpful and made the times tables and the calendar. That to me was very interesting to learn about and how they lived. I think they were very important for what they did and how they did it. They also made the 12 lunar months, and that's what we use today. What was your favorite thing to learn about and why did you choose them?

!i!i!i!Root for the Indus Valley!i!i!i!

I really enjoyed learning about the Indus River Valley. I liked learned about that because I thought their lifestyle and way of doing things was cool. One of the cool facts about the Indus Valley was that one of their cities, Mohenjo- Daro had its own draining system and the pipes were made out of clay. Another thing is that when people wanted other things, they would trade, instead of using a currency. I wonder how long after that did people come up with the idea of currency?


My Favorite one to learn about was the Babylonians because they were so interesting and what they created was amazing. First off they created the multiplication tables which made us smart today and made Mrs. Baker happy. Also, they made the Calenders so we know when we are supposed to go to school and appointments. Also, they made the 60 minute hour that helps us live our lives and know what time we have to be to school and when school starts and when it ends.

Why the Babylonian Empire is the best.

I think the Babylonian Empire is the most interesting thing that we learned because they invented the calendar and simple mathematics. I don't think I would enjoy living with them though. They did a lot of work and I need my sleep.  I think that the calendar was a big part of their civilizations discoveries (if that makes sense.) If I could bring them a tool from right now it would be a sickle, because that would make farming easier.


Out of all the civilizations I found the Indus Valley the most interesting. The reason that it is more interesting to me is because it so much different to the other ones because it was so peaceful. I bet you are wondering how I would do back then with them, I think would love it there because there was nothing to fight about or I wouldn't have to worry about war. If I could travel back in time and give them something I would give them an Ipad so they could figure out the weather and a whole bunch of other things. Just imagine how much easier it would be for them just to look at the weather or if they get lost see where they are. This would advance their civilization even more. Because of me they would be so much more successful. So the next time you look back in history think about that.

Indus Valley knowledge

My favorite civilization to learn about was the Indus Valley. I thought they were interesting because there was no evidence of an army and they had very few weapons. I think that I would not have done good if I lived with them because they did not have any modern day technology or food. Another thing that I found interesting that they probably wouldn't have survived without is the giant platforms there civilization was built on to protect them from floods and pollution. I think if they had the saw because it would make it so they could build stuff easier. My question to you is what is your favorite civilization.

20 November, 2017

Indus Valley's mystery

I think the Indus Valley Civilization was my favorite from the ancient world playlist. It's because it is so unique and different from the other civilizations and many things about it are still kept as a mystery. No weapons or any evidence of fighting or wars have been discovered, it was very peaceful and also wealthy and successful, which is hard to imagine it working out back in the old time period. And also the cities were well organized and sanitary. The downfall of the Indus Valley civilization is also mysterious, and we don’t know if it was caused by invading Aryans or natural causes. If I had a time machine, I will go back to the ancient times and learn their secrets and bring them advanced farming tools for growing crops better and easier! What would you do if you had a time machine?
Image result for gif time machine

Indus Valley knowledge dump

Image result for a picture of mohenjo daro

     I think that my favorite civilization to learn about is  the Indus Valley civilization. It is because my family has lived in the India/Pakistan region for a long time so my ancestors could have lived there.They are different because they were so smart, In early beginnings (Mohenjodaro)they already had a sewage system.( WOW!!). If  I lived in Indus Valley civilization I think I would end up as a Mathematician or a Teacher because of my family's caste I think the tool I would send back is the graphing calculator because  it would dramatically improve math today.It would not solve any of their struggles though:(.What would you do if you lived in old time India/Pakistan???????😊


The Ancient Chinese were the best!!!!

I believe that the Ancient Chinese were the coolest ancient civilization.I think so because, they were very smart and they invented farming tools, and even paper! I also thought that there concept of Heaven being their god was very interesting. China was also home to a VERY smart guy, Confucius. He taught all of China to have more peace and prosperity, he basically changed the whole Chinese government! The Chinese were also very resourceful, before there was a concept of paper, they used bones and wooden scrolls! All in all the Ancient Chinese were the most fascinating culture. Do you agree with me?

Human to god, who doesn't want that?

I think the ancient Indians was my favorite ancient civilization, because of how diverse the cultures were. The practices of both Hinduism and Buddhism is very intriguing. How to be one with the gods and how you must be good in this life to have a better standing in the afterlife. If I was to live with them then I would be a different person, there was wars and other things like not having whole foods. It would be much different but more natural. If I went back in time to give them something of the future, I would give them antibiotics, because that will help with disease such as black death. What thing from the present would you take back to the past?

How is Indus Valley not Pompeii?


Image result for indus valley
Indus River Valley civilization.

     When I say Pompeii, what do you think of (besides the volcano)? Go on, type it right now before you continue reading. Indus Valley now comes to my mind when I hear or read the word Pompeii because, in many ways, they were very similar which is just incredible in my opinion. The great thing is that Indus Valley existed about 3000 years before Pompeii and they both practically had the same technology. So to me, it makes Indus Valley even better since they were pretty much 3000 years more advanced than the other civilizations in their time. Some of these advancements include bathing areas with clean water and sewage systems draining waste. Wouldn't it be the best to live in a remote area that has those kinds of luxuries so you wouldn't have to live in the smell of poop and uncleaned people? Not to mention how clean the people stayed fewer diseases affected the people so honestly, isn't this really the best place?


My most favorite civilization is China for sure. they were really advanced, and they made tools that we still use now. For example, they thought up of making paper! The Chinese first started writing on silk. That then turned into bark. after that, they put bark in water. After smashing it up, they got a very good piece of paper. The Chinese also even had a teacher named confucius, who taught about the government and life lessons. Overall, I really like the Chinese civilization because they were really advanced. Do you like them?

Ancient China (not when there was black and white TV if that's what came to mind)

     Which country believes dragons are good luck, called themselves the middle kingdom a long time ago, and was home to Confucius? That last might have given it away, but the answer is... China! Oh wait, I put the answer in the title... oops. Well aside from that I have facts about ancient china you may or may not know, so let's start with Confucius. Confucius was a teacher, and a really good one too. He created an exam you had to pass in order to have a job in the Chinese government. He taught valuable life lessons as well, and surprisingly he didn't think he would have a big impact after his lifetime, but he was wrong. I wonder what would happen if I gave ancient china a store where you could buy Oreos, it might crash the economy. Did you learn something new? Actually on second thought, do you even care about the history of china, I bet a lot of you don't. 

Chinese civilizations fo sure

I think that the Chinese civilizations were definitely the most interesting. Some of the more interesting aspects of the Chinese civilizations are that the Chinese civilizations had a cool cycle. It was interesting how the empires would rise out of nothing, but an eager emperor, and rise into giant civilization. If I lived with them I would wish I lived in one of the empires that lasted longer so that half of my life wouldn't be chaos and war. I think it would be cool to live in that civilization because there would be a cool culture and it would be interesting to live in a time where there was no type of technology. I think if the Chinese civilizations had modern technology and computers, they could benefit themselves with finding out more things. Communication would also be better. They could have overcome the old technology and become a better civilization with more knowledge. I definitely think the Chinese civilization was the best.

Image result for chinese civilization

A PEACEFUL CIVILIZATION ( that ended over 1,000 year ago )

If you ask me what my favorite ancient world civilization is, the it would definitely have to be the Indus valley. Why?because it was very clean and had high technology. They had a pipe connected to each house that led to a drainage system. And did I mention they had BRICK houses? You may not be impressed now, but think about it, it was an ancient civilization! I think this civ was different from others because it was peaceful. Very little weapons were to be found, and there was no sign of an army. If I lived with this civilization, I would have been much more clever and problem solving. They had a way to prevent flooding, and they had fun board games. I would give the Indus valley cars. That's because they can escape the flooding or whatever made this civilization end. Because it really was interesting. Too bad the village ended under mysterious circumstances. My question is, how did they end? Tell me what you think!


The Indus Valley civilization should have ruled the the world because they were so  peaceful. They were smart and they could write. They built carefully made cities so that they wouldn’t get flooded and built in straight streets. The Indus valley civilization (also known as the Harappans) people even had plumbing right down to the house just outside the city.
The lack of fighting is what makes this civilization so interesting. There is very few weapons found in the areas where they used to live. There is no sign of the Harappans being invaded or physically killed as human bones have no signs of those things. Unfortunately it seems that there were rivers that changed course that caused this civilization to break up and die. The people stopped trading, writing, and making seals.
It would have been so cool to have lived with them because it would be different from today since it was 4,600 years ago, but they had plumbing and writing so it wouldn’t be to bad to live then. I think I could cope pretty well with what they dealt with because if I lived back then I would know what to do and stuff like that.

If I could transport one thing to back than to help those people, I would give them tape measures because they were very precise with length and weight ( I looked the Harappans up) and tape measures would be very helpful with kind of stuff. So that the end of my blog.  

Don't you wish you were a babylonia?

The babylonians were my favorite because they were a thriving civilization.  Although they did not create their own culture they still had a strong central government. They had a good religious center so they could practice their religious.They created the 60 min hour that is very useful and used all the time.They also had a calendar that was 12 lunar month and that helps a lot. Math is my favorite subject and it would not have really worked without multiplication. If Babylonians didn't exist we would be messed up.

Babylonians not babies!

My favorite civilization is the babylonians. The Babylonians were my absolute favorite because they created the multiplication table and also created the calendar. Babylonians were also very very peaceful. They built a road through their civilization.The one thing I don't really like about them is that they had to create writing.I also think I could survive in this civilization because they are very peaceful. Overall, I really liked them alot and there name was very created too! What civilization is your favorite?

China: The Inventor Of Everything Useful

My favorite civilization was the Chinese civilization because they invented many things. The Chinese created paper, which we use in everyday life. They also invented the wheelbarrow and the compass, which we have used to carry things and to know where we are going. They created silk weaving, bronze working, poetry, and jade carving too. If I was around back then, I probably would have made a shop selling blankets and clothes. What would you have done back then?Image result for chinese silk weaving

Chinese Civilization! is better than yours

My favorite civilization was the Chinese civilization. it is my favorite because they created writing, by first used bones and wooden scrolls to keep records. Then they wrote on silk. Then on bark. Then they figured out that if you soak bark in water then beat it into pulp and dry it flat on a screen mold, it would create paper. It is also my favorite because I liked reading about how they traded on the silk road. Why do you like the Chinese civilization?   

Baylonians are the best

Do you like to know what day, month, and year it is ?  Then you will like the Babylonians. You would like the babylonians because they invented the calender. They also invented the multipilcation table so if you like math you will also like the  babylonians because they invented the multiplication table. They also defeated the Sumers. If I had to be a babylonian I would do pretty good cause I would no my math and what day of they month it is. What is your favorrite group?

Indus Valley Is The BEST

Image result for John Lennon, the war is over

My favorite civilization, by far, was the Indus Valley. It was way more interesting that the others because there was no violence! I probably would have loved living with them because I HATE war. I  wish it would end along with guns and everything of that sort. I would love the peace that they had. I would probably bring a really high tech tractor so that they have an easier time farming. I don't think my item would have helped save the civilization entirely, but it would definitely help grow more food.

Indus Valley: They Were Probably Time Travelling Wizards

My favorite civilization to learn about was the Indus Valley civilization. I think that it was interesting how in cities like Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa, archaeologists haven't found any weapons, armor, or anything else like that. This probably means that they didn't have any violent uprisings or wars. They also didn't build any grand monuments and didn't bury the dead with riches, unlike the Egyptians and Mesopotamians. This shows that they were very practical and worked towards improving their current society. I think that this was very interesting. Not only that, but the Indus Valley civilization was very advanced for its time. They built buildings above sea level, so if the Indus River violently flooded, the buildings would be safe. They were also very sanitary. They had a drainage and sewage system, which would carry human waste outside of the city. Plus, they had a canal system so that crops would watered thoroughly and evenly. This is what makes them more interesting than the other civilizations we learned about. If I went back time to live with them, I think I would have struggled, because they wouldn't have had any modern conveniences, like internet, air conditioning, etc. However, I think I would be able to live there, because they were very peaceful, had plenty of food, and were very clean. I think life jackets would be a very useful tool for them, because when the Indus flooded, people would be able to float and a lot less people would drown. Well, now you've heard my boring opinion. What's your favorite civilization and why?

Image result for indus valley civilization

A glimpse Inside the Indus Valley

My favorite civilization that we learned about was, the Indus Valley. I liked learning about the Indus Valley because it was in Pakistan and India, and my parents are from Pakistan so I liked learning about how that place was like 500 years ago.Their were many things that I liked about the Indus Valley, such as, how it was very peaceful. Archeologists who were digging their, never found any signs of weapons or an army. The Indus Valley was also very organized and clean. Every house had water that came from the wells. If I had to live with them, I might of done okay because they didn’t have any wars. All of the civilizations believed in religion but the Indus Valley spread the most religion, and religion is a very important aspect of life. If the Indus Valley isn’t your favorite, that’s okay but, if you do a little research, i'm sure that the Indus Valley will become your favorite.