05 March, 2015


The desert sand boa also know as the Turkman sand boa calls India home. This boa is one of the smallest boas in the world and it is a light yellowish tan with black spots. The boa has a chisel shaped mouth with its eyes on top of its head. These odd looking creatures mostly live under the sand and are rarely seen by man. Its diet consist of small reptiles that can easily be swallowed whole such as geckos and worm lizards. This may not sound very appetizing but to this desert dweller it is just as good as a steak dinner. Also we probably won't see these creatures banish off the earth because they currently have no threats! It's  currently placed under the least concerned on the IUCN red list which measures the chances of an animal going extinct. These reptiles don't eat humans and aren't know for biting, but still would you be scared if you stumbled upon one of these Turkman?

Arabian sand boa

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