02 March, 2015

So Many Broken Rules, Only One Dead Mouse

My counselors brought candy.  Some of us brought snacks.  I didn't but...  When the teachers said lights out at 10:30 we shut of the lights.  We waited, about ten minutes or so, then we turned the lights back on for awhile.  We also chucked a few snowballs at people.  I got hit in the face with one and that is how my glasses broke.  My cabin also had a swearing problem.  You might too if you had a mouse in your cabin.  We found a mouse under Nick's bunk.  First, we hit it with a broom.  That didn't help.  We sprayed Axe under the bunk, but the mouse didn't move.  It crawled out from under the bed, and then we dropped Caleb's suitcase on it.  This tore the little micey's back legs off.  Guts were spewing all over.  We finally let it out when he got near the door.  I surmise (think) it bleed out somewhere outside.  That mouse was a son of a potato.  That brings me to my potato story.  Remember that expletive (swear word) quandary (problem) we had?  We started saying potato in place of every swear word.  I have never said potato so much in my entire life. Did you have a potato-ing mouse in your cabin?

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