05 March, 2015

The Sweggy Gharial

Wassup guys! Anyway, I am telling you guys about an animal that I proudly like to call ...The Gharial Crocodile. It’s one of the really freaking swaggy animals that eats like, everything. Though that really boring video made the crocodile look lamer than math, (No offense Mrs. Sheufelt.) It is actually extremely awesome and rare. Another reason it is awesome is because it is the longest crocodile in South Asia, measuring up to a gargantuan 21 feet! (21.) B-T Dubs, did you know that they can grow up to 2,154 pounds? Crazy, right? This crocodile is so freaky, it can give Freddy Krueger nightmares! #yomamajoke#reference. Well, It looks like I’m all out of time, so I’ll see you guys later. Peace Out!

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