28 October, 2014

Greek Philosophers

Greek Philosophers

The rise of ancient Greek philosophy happened around 6th century BC. Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle were the most famous philosophers living at that time.

But the philosopher I like the most is Zeno who is famous for his paradoxes. My favorite one is about Achilles and the tortoise. If the tortoise has a headstart then by the time Achilles gets there, the tortoise would have already moved further. By the time Achilles gets there, the tortoise would have already moved a little further. And so on – so that Achilles would never beat the tortoise.

Who do you think will win the race – Achilles or the tortoise?

22 October, 2014

Finding New Features!

Hey test group! I just found something really cool that i would like to share with you guys! Let's say you are looking at your tile page and you click on sports, but at the same time you need to work on your project that needs to be typed up. You can do both those things at once! First, swipe your finger from the left side of the screen to the middle(slowly). Make sure your finger starts off the screen. Then, go to the left, but don't go all the way to the left until the screen you were just looking at shortens to the whole half of the right side. Last, release your finger. If you would like to undo it, there should be three dots in the middle of your screen. Slide that to the left. If you have trouble, find me in S.S. and I will show you. See you later alligator!

S.M.S. (Social Media Safety)

I think that things like social media are great for kids (at an appropriate age) as long as they don't abuse the privilege. Kids like the girl in the video seem like responsible people, and having the parents to prove them right shows that they aren’t making things up. Although it isn’t my family, maybe they should give her some leeway. But I don’t blame them for being so worried. You have people out there that post so much inappropriate content and don’t get discovered. They need to put more protection on social networks so that one day, kids won’t need to be watched when on social media.

21 October, 2014

The Wonders of Social Media

Social media can be an amazing thing... and a bad thing. Social media is a way to interact with your friends, post pictures, and just have fun! Social media can also make you look bad. Whenever you post things you should know anyone can see this. I have an Instagram so I know. I don't really blame parents for wanting to know what their kid is putting out there, but they don't have to get up in their kid's business. They deserve space. My mom has an Instagram, but doesn't go on a lot. Whenever I post something I know she may see it. It just helps me be a little safer. Would you be a strict parent and go on your kids social media pages?

Teens are not all the same!

I think that parents/guardians or adults think that every teen posts inappropriate pictures or videos . Well that’s not the case. Most teens are responsible with their social media accounts. Adults think this because other teens are posting inappropriate pictures or videos.  My mom used to prohibit any social media. Then I told her that  there can be some guidelines. She can be my follower and see what I’m posting or looking at. She can also be my follower. Parents also think that people can steal your information one by one. That’s not true either. I made my Instagram private so that people have to request to be my follower and if I don’t know them, I decline their follow request. There are some problems like self-esteem and confidence. Some people make you feel bad by posting mean comments. Don’t worry about them. They are just haters. Haters gonna’ hate, am I right! Now that I told you what I think, tell me what you guys think about social media in the comments below.

Nice To Nasty, All because Of The 'Inter-Webs'

We kids now a day really know how to navigate the "electronic world." We do use it wisely and other times, not so much. Most kids boost each other up by commenting nice things, while others use the internet as a shield and talk badly to/about people. If you don't say those harsh words to people face to face, or you wouldn't say those things in front of your parents, why post it online? What does the internet do to change nice people into vicious beings?

Get Off Your Screen And Go Outside!

All us kids can relate to this anyway possible. Whether you’re on your Xbox, phone, or just watching TV, you know that time. When one of your parents thinks you’re wasting time in front of the screen in front of you and says “Go outside and have some fresh air or play a game. Well, these days social media has really shown the public what they picture us teens/tweens as all-night party guys or people that really know nothing. What they don’t see is the full image that we are building not self-confidence but also self-esteem through “time-wasting” sites. Sure, some people out there have to really ruin it doing inappropriate things although the most of us are just normal, regular human-beings. What goes through your mind when you hear this infamous quote? Let me know down in the comments below.

Moms Be Like

First this article makes it sound like my generation is horrible at communicating with people and just phone addicts, which not all of us are. Although I don't understand why that mom was like super controlling. I mean if I was that girl I wouldn't really worry about the creeps online I would worry that my mom is not only stalking my account, but tracking my every move which is really frightening. I understand why she was doing this, but I think she took this to the extreme. Also I felt like the interview was all about the mom, because she rarely let the dad or the kids answer any of the questions. So would you want your mom to be like this mom?

Parent Account Stalking

I would hate if my parents were that strict about my social media. I can see that they're trying to protect their children, but still! Usually I am good about what I post. I still would like to have the responsibility of not being watched 24/7. I agree there are a lot of creeps and weirdos out there that would make me want to if I was a parent, be strict about the rules. Well, it seems like the girl is happy with her social media being stalked by her parents. I would just want my parents to check my instagram like every month to make sure I'm not being inappropriate. If I ever felt like my account was getting out of hand I would talk to a parent or guardian about my issues. What did you think about this?

20 October, 2014

the ancient greeks

Wrestling, boxing, and military work or training were just a few of the things that the  young boys and girls in Sparta had to be prepared for. For the boys, they would be forced to leave their house and live in barracks with other boys, hard at work training for the military. There, they spent their days working with swords and other weapons, and were given barely any food, and had little to sleep on. The girls also trained for wrestling and spear throwing, in a similar way to the boys. In Sparta, they believed that women would have strong and healthy children, if they themselves grew up strong and healthy. Training for these things could also lead to competing in the Olympics, which was held to honor Zeus.

19 October, 2014

Acting In History!

    Do you like dramas and acting?  Neither do I.  But for those who do like them, the Athenians were the first to write plays, or stories written performed by actors.  Many of the festivals featured tragedies or serious dramas usually ending in a disaster for the protagonist.   The discovery of plays of all types was made during the Golden Age, this, along with many other remarkable achievements.  Shortly after their newfound hobby, acting became popular over the whole Greek world.
    While acting was at it’s pinnacle in Greece, artists also discovered writing comedies.  Writers like Aristophanes created shows making fun of popular citizens and politicians, jokes were also made targeting the customs of the city life.  The freedom of the Athens accepted this type of humor and embraced it.
    Even though it this article didn’t help me to enjoy acting more, maybe it will convince you to become a professional actor.

17 October, 2014

Ancient Greece

Ancient Greek is the form of Greek used during the periods of time spanning c. the 9th - 6th century BC, c. the 5th - 4th century BC, and c. the 3rd century BC - 6th century AD in ancient Greece and the ancient world. It was predated in the 2nd millennium BC by Mycenaean Greek. There was a language called Hellenistic this phase is known as Koine or biblical Greek. Prior to the Koine period, Greek of the classic and earlier periods included several regional dialects. Ancient Greek was the language of Homer and of classical Athenian historians, playwrights, and philosophers. This contributed many words to English vocabulary and has been a standard subject of study in educational institutions from the West since the Renaissance. I bet none of you have heard of that language have you?

the greeks

The greeks were very smart and did have many discoveries that we still use today. The greeks had some of the first schools. The schools were very harsh though. Beatings happened often in the schools and they only allowed boys to be in the school. Boys often left their families to go to school. The beatings happened usually when a student got an answer to a question wrong. If you were a teacher in one of the schools, would you beat the students?

The Underworld Dun Dun Dun

Something that I find cool about the Greeks is the Underworld. I think that the Underworld seems interesting but scary. The Underworld is ruled by Hades.It is hidden below the earth and is the kingdom of the dead. The Underworld has three rivers, Archeron,cocytus, and Phlegethon. In the Underworld, anyone can enter but know one is allowed to leave. I find the Underworld very interesting because it is another world inside earth. I would never want to live in the Underword but would you?

The Trojan Horse

In 1800 B.C., there is a legend about a giant horse called The Trojan Horse. The Trojan war was a battle between troy and the Greeks. There is a myth, that the Spartans made a giant wooden horse, and sent it to troy. Inside the horse, they hid soldiers. Troy thought it was a gift and brought it into the city. At night the soldiers came out of the horse. The soldiers killed Troy’s army while they were sleeping. At the end of the war, the Greeks won. No one knows whether the myth is true, do you think it is true?


Ancient Greece was an incredible place.

have you heard of philosophers who would lie on their sides and eat peeled grapes? Well, in Greece, all meals were eaten laying on your side! Well, if you didn't already know, there were a lot of people living in Greece during the ancient times, right? But on the not so bright side, ⅓ of their population size consisted of slaves. For all you runners here’s a good one! Pheidippides was a Greek hero who ran 150 miles from Marathon to Sparta to get help against the Persians. After the Greeks won the war, he ran 25 miles from Marathon to Athens to announce the victory. This is where the marathon running race gets its EPIC name! Here’s a question for you guys. Are there any weird or cool facts that I didn’t state? Tell me!