10 February, 2015

Don't Eat Yellow Snow!!

Now I know the title is a little deceptive (misleading) but you must promise me: YOU WILL NOT, NOT RESUME (CONTINUE) TO READ THIS!!! My cabin was followed  ALMOST every single rule there was. So the only engrossing (interesting) story that I am sharing with you is the time my cabin went skiing. I really enjoyed skiing, but the only problem was that I kept falling! Granted, it was my first time skiing, never the less cross country skiing. I wasn't used to not having any traction and ended slipping a lot. Once, I saw a bunch of yellow snow and right then, I started slipping. I ended up going head first into a snow bank next to the discolored snow. Which why I said, “Don’t eat yellow snow!”... Just out of curiosity, what would you have done if you got a mouthful of yellow snow?

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