11 February, 2015

Rules Are Made to be Broken!

      Everyone breaks rules and that's okay. At camp, the whole "lights out at 10:30" thing was a total blunder (fail) for most cabins. My cabin would usually turn the lights and music off on time but, stay up late talking. We also sat on the top bunks and passed around a ball. We ate candy, and I brought two packs of gum. We had some good snowball fights too. They were boisterous (fun) but they didn't last long. Other than that, I think our cabin followed the rules. I think one of my favorite activities at camp was the high ropes course. I had a lot of fun on the elevated (high), challenging courses. I think the hardest course was trying to get across the rock wall. The "rocks" were too tiny to put my feet on and I kept slipping.At the end of the day, lots of people broke the rules at camp but, rules are made to be broken. What rules did you break at camp

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