02 October, 2014

Adidas or Nike?

Nike or Adidas this question has eluded us for centuries.The answer is neither,but both at the same time.The answer is a personal choice but the obvious answer is Nike.Obviously! People face choices like these everyday.Subway or Quizno’s?(Subway) Little Caesar’
s or Domino’s? (Little Caesar’s) This does not just affect your dinner but also the success of the company you didn’t choose.If you tell people to choose Little Caesar’s instead of Domino’s,and they tell other people,Domino’s would lose customers and become bankrupt.That would mean other people wouldn’t be able to eat dinner from there.
Now my question to you is,"Nike or Adidas"?

1 comment:

  1. It is true Prat, I always had trouble picking either Nike or Adidas. The only thing that trips me up is the style or the color of the shoe. If I have to choose against Subway or Quizno's I would obviously choose Subway because I've been there multiple times and I am familiar with it.


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