01 October, 2014

Blog Episode II: Attack of the Cloned Shoppers?

Hola Amigos! Ready for your next big shot at showing off your mad writing skills? Many of you chose to fill your first posts with wit, cleverness, and visual flair, and I cannot wait to see where we go from here!

Stories are always good, eh? So mine will start with a story. You know that new pizza place in town...Marco's? I have had it before and was glad to see a franchise move into the area. So of course when it first opened, I had to go check it out. I found myself there one night not too long before it closed. I was mesmerized by the tantalizing smells coming out of the back of the store: hot, fresh crusts, Italian seasonings and spicy meats baking under the 550 degree ovens. With that delicious scent carrying me forward, I stepped up to place my order and was promptly smacked by a new smell; the cigarette-smoke filled breath of the dude working the counter. Eww. But I pressed on, ordered my pizza, and was soon walking out with what would turn out to be a tasty pie. One strike though, as I cannot stand that horrific smell.

A few weeks later I got the craving again, and found myself on their website placing an order. Or at least trying to place an order. Despite my best efforts (I consider myself an expert at ordering pizza online!), I was unable to complete the order. Sure, I could have just called. But they have online ordering set up and that was my plan! I soon gave up and made myself a PB & J. Yes, I saved myself some money, but I had wanted pizza! So that was strike two, and for me, that is enough. It will be a long time before I try that pizza again. I realize that might be harsh, but I like to reward businesses that do a good job in all aspects. And I let the management know of my two issues so that they are aware and can choose to make changes...or not.

Every time I buy something as a consumer, I make a choice. I have lots of choices and so do you. When you patronize a business, you are in effect telling them that you are choosing them over all of the other options. See what I mean? So your mission on this next post is to discuss the economic concept of choice. You could write about how choice is an important tool for consumers. About how the choices made (to shop there or to shop at a competitor) can help businesses become better. Or maybe you could talk about a specific example involving you or your family, such as I have done, that now shapes your purchasing choices for the time being. It's all about choice, and you can choose just how you write about this important economic tool!

Got it? The topic is choices...specifically, the choices you make as a consumer of goods and services. Blog on, sevvies!

(Just to be clear, the pizza I ate that night from Marco's was delicious and I will most definitely give them another shot at my business...in good time!)
Updated grading rules:

From this point forward, any spelling (not word choice!) errors on the blog will result in a score of 5/10 for the assignment. If you receive this score, you may correct and re-post your work for a max grade of 8/10. 

  • Must have a catchy, relevant title. (This post’s title is Blog Episode II:  Attack of the Cloned Shoppers?)
  • Must be 75+ words in length.
  • Must end with an interesting exit strategy. (A question or challenge to the reader)
  • AND...must contain a link to a relevant comic, cartoon, or news article (Wikipedia does not count). The link URL must not be shown, just as I have shown you in the third sentence of this post. I'll show you how during class.
  • Must be 50+ words in length.-
  • Must follow the same spelling guidelines as posts.
  • Must also end with an intriguing question/challenge for the writer.
  • You must be the 1st or 2nd person to comment on a writer’s post. If there are already two comments, feel free to comment for fun, but choose another student’s post to receive credit.

Writers should (not must) respond briefly to all comments...and will be thusly rewarded!

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