02 October, 2014

Pizza hut or Little Caesar's

I’d rather go to Pizza hut instead of Little Caesar's because Pizza hut has fresh hot pizza and Little Caesar’s sometimes has cold pizza. I like my pizza hot and fresh so that's why i would chose Pizza hut over Little Caesar’s. Another reason I don't like Little Caesar’s is because they have no sauce in their pizzas and at Pizza hut they have everything just perfect. Which would you chose Pizza hut or Little Caesars?

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you, I don't really like Little Caesar's ether. There are a lot of different pizza places, I think are a lot better. Pizza Hut’s pizza is way better with their awesome crust. From what you said, I probably will not be going to eat there anytime soon. Do you like any other pizza places other than Pizza Hut?


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