02 October, 2014

decisions we make

This whole topic is about choices, so let’s talk about all the choices we have in our life. Some of the main choices we make is when to spend money and when not to. Some of the main choices we make are all about the money.Some choices we make with money is where to buy clothes, when to eat out, what sports to play, sports events and all that good stuff. Just because we have a lot of choices about how we use our money doesn’t mean we only use our money when we make choices. There’s plenty of choices we make with out money, like what your family is gonna make for dinner, who you want to play with, who your friends are, what instrument you want to play  and what classes you want to take etc. A choice I make is where I want to buy my clothes at. One of my favorite stores is Hollister they have a great quality of clothes that are stylish to, but their clothes are a little expensive sometimes which can make me go somewhere else that is cheaper. Another choice I make is when I’m deciding on what I want to eat or if I want to cut my hair. All of these things that I just shared our choices we all make. Now that I’ve told you about some of the choices I make, think to yourself about some of the choices you make in your life.  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I have made many choices like what pizza to order at Pizza Hut. Another choice is where should I go for pizza. The weird thing there is too many choices in the world like who and why should I vote for. Now my question for you is if you could pick one choice that will always be the same what would it be???????????

  3. Some of the choices that i make in my life are what to eat for eat for breakfast. Sometimes i’m in the mood for waffles and sometimes i’m in the mood for pancakes. This life threatening decision can sometimes be very difficult for me. What is your favorite breakfast food?


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