11 February, 2015

The Case of The Sister's Eyeliner

Thankfully, my cabin didn't break a lot of rules. So I thought it would be better if I wrote about something more interesting than my time at camp.

It was a sunny day after preschool. Four year old Mia Colony had been shown a fake Disney makeup kit at school that day. A girl had called what was actually a bottle of eyeliner a tube of lipstick. So, being the dumb toddler I was, I tried to find a tube of "lipstick" of my own back at my house. I soon found an eyeliner (what I thought was lipstick) in my sister's drawers in her room. She was in high school at the time, and thankfully never found out about me taking one of her things. I dashed to the bathroom and put the stuff on my lips. It was silver and sparkly, which looked amazing to my four year old eyes. Suddenly, I got the feeling something wasn't right as I looked at the eyeliner bottle. I saw the symbol of an eye (most makeup companies put a symbol of what area of the face makeup is supposed to go on on the makeup containers) on the bottle, causing me to panic at the realization of what I had done. My mom would kill me if she found out! So I spent an hour in the bathroom scrubbing the liner off of my lips. It came off in a short amount of time thankfully, since the stuff wasn't waterproof.

I have never told my mom and my sister about that time to this day.

In other words: Don't get into your sister's makeup when you're around the age of four!

What would you have done if this had happened to you?


  1. Funny story! (You forgot the three underlined replacement words)

  2. I'm not John, I can tell when you're fibbing.


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