02 October, 2014

Economic Choices

 I think choices are important to consumer. Because all goods are different and consumer want best one. I think design, quality, and price is choose what is best. So when we choose goods, we have to see their design, quality, and price. In example, you are buying cell phone.

Cell Phone A
Cell Phone B
A+ (100)
B+ (85)
A (95)
A- (90)
You are looking at two cell phone like that chart. What will you buy? Of course you buy      Cell Phone A, because design and quality is better than Cell Phone B, and price is more cheap than cellphone B. Let’s look at different chart.

Cell Phone A
Cell Phone B
A (95)
A- (90)
B+ (85)
A+ (100)

When you looking these two cell phones, what will you buy? In this time, I will buy            
Cell Phone B. The design is Cell Phone A is better, and quality is Cell Phone B is better, and price is same. Let’s think about number’s difference. In design, the difference is 5. But in quality, the difference is 15. So, I think Cell Phone B is better than Cell Phone B. This reason is why when we choose goods, we have to see design, quality, and price.


  1. I thought your view was very good. When i go shopping, I also look for quality in clothes.

  2. I love the charts! I agree...I would also buy Cell Phone B in that second example for the same reason: Best quality!

  3. I agree and i look at the price design and quality too they are the most important things you have to look at before you make your choice on which phone you want to choose, i would choose phone B too.


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