02 October, 2014

Gross Donuts But Good Ice Cream

A few days ago at a tailgate for the Michigan State football game I had a choice for breakfast. My two choices were either an omelet or a donut from Quality Dairy. I thought for a few seconds and decided on the donut because I hadn’t had one in a while. The donut was very good until I took a bite and there was a hair! Ewwwww! Everyone elses donuts were fine though. I never really get donuts from Quality Dairy but I love their ice cream so I decided I would give them another chance. So the next time I can have a donut from Quality Dairy I’ll try it but if I find another hair I’m not eating their donuts again! What would you have done if that happened to you?


  1. EWWWWWW!!!!!!!! That is really gross! It would have been frustrating if you had to decide and they totally did not live up to what you wanted! It"s good though that you decided to give them a second chance. I would not have gone there again if it was something other then donuts, I just love them to much! Thanks for the post Kelly, I would have never gone to that quality dairy again!

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  3. Taking a bite out of a donut with a hair in it would be totally G-R-O-S-S. It would really make me question if Quality Dairy is the place to buy donuts. I agree 100% their ice cream is pretty good. If I were you I wouldn’t get another donut from there. Maybe you should have gotten a omelet?


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