02 October, 2014

Decision Making Made Easy

Consumers everyday make choices. It could be as easy as which restaurant to eat at or as difficult as to get a new car or a new T.V. These choices are just part of life. You just need to be smart when making choices. You shouldn't pick the first thing that comes to your mind, you should really think. You should ask yourself, “What would I get the most use out of?”, “What would I enjoy the most?”, “What is cheapest?”, or “What is worth the money?”. What are your strategies for decision making?


  1. My strategies are to see which item I will actually enjoy and not get bored of and will actually use for months and years to come.Oh ya great post!

  2. I like to think about which one I like more or what I will get the most use out of or which one looks more reliable. My mom will most of time choose the cheapest one especially if there’s a sale. What questions do you ask yourself when making a decision?


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