02 October, 2014

economic choices

Every year in October, my family vacations in Florida for a couple weeks or so. Most of the time we fly, but my grandparents usually drive so they can take the luggage and it will be much cheaper and such. We never had much of a problem with flying, until I believe last year. We got to the airport around five in the afternoon, and we were expecting to board the plane around seven. Apparently, there was an incident with the plane in which we were supposed to fly, causing the flight to be delayed until around ten thirty that night. So we waited patiently, and once the new plane arrived, we were told that there was not enough room for us to board, being a smaller plane than the one they had originally intended. They said that since we booked our tickets online, they had to give the seats to the people who booked them in the airport first, and then they could start giving them to those who booked online. As the plane filled with those who booked in the airport, there were only a few seats left. Some of the other single passengers let us go rather than them, but there was only enough room for three. My mom, brother, and I ended up going that night, and my dad flew in on the next flight along with the other people who booked online, which was the next morning.

Now, this could happen to any airline. But it wasn't the situation that was the problem, it was how the workers handled it, making it seem like it was our fault for booking online. We could fly any other airline, and there’s always the same chance of that happening, just maybe not having it dealt with in the same way. However, though Spirit, the airline we were flying, didn't handle the situation in the best way, they have really cheap flights. Hopefully, this year when I believe we fly with them again, if there happens to be a situation they take care of it in a better manner.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Anna!
    That really sucks I would hate if that happened to me. Like you said the workers handled the problem very poorly. Not everyone has time to go to the airport to book a flight they need to have the problem covered or let people know that this kind of thing is happening. When we go to Florida we usually just drive it may take long, but the view is great. Have you and your family tried another airline to compare it to the airline you use at this time?


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