02 October, 2014

Looking for a House= CHOICES!

  A very large decision that adults face (and I really hope you don't have to think about this yet) is buying a house.  That’s certainly not my favorite topic.  Home buyers all have standards that they want their new house to meet. Most people look for the right kitchen, yard, location, neighborhoods, rooms, basements, et cetera.  Of course, we can’t  forget the most important variable, price; you always want to get the most/best out of your money. We have lots of choices and possibilities with all these houses; the hard part is finding the one that’s best for you. When you become old enough,(and think reasonably) what do you think the right kind of house for you would be like?



  1. I definitely agree with you Lottie-Brooke, all those things you said is what people want in a house. Also good neighborhoods with friendly people and good schools in the area will most likely affect when someone looks to buy a house. How would you look for a house, if you needed one?

  2. The things that would pull me into a area is a good school area,near a lot of services and a decent house to live in.All of these will effect the homes price and value in a positive or negative way.Good job Lottie!


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