03 October, 2014

Me and My Money

In summer break my friends and I went to Cedar Point and we had a blast. The thing I regret is not paying 75 dollars for faster lines. For example my friends and I were waiting at the line for the Dragster and we already waited for 1 hour and 30 minutes so we were at the front of the line. As we were waiting the man who was managing the roller coaster announced that the fast line people will be heading first for about an hour or two. Then me and my friends left. I would go back any day, but pay for the fast line thing. Would you do that too?


  1. Oh My Gosh I love Ceder Point! When I went there I had to wait forever. (I rode the Dragster in the front seat and I literally had bugs splattered on my face. It was so gross.) It was a lot of money and that sucked. Although I think it was worth the wait and money because it was so FUN!

  2. To answer your question I would buy a fast pass, because the lines at amusement parks are ridiculously long unless you come when they open. I think it is silly though how the workers don't have any logic to how they let people on the rides which I hate, but that might only be me. So Aisha(and answer me honestly) would you get the fast pass, and then rub it into the people’s faces in the others line faces?

  3. That's a total rip-off that the fast people got to go before you. I totally understand wanting to pay the $75 to get faster lines. If and when I go to Cedar Point I will take your advice to get the fast pass. That's a really good tip, thanks. If you could have gone to another amusement park besides Cedar Point, what would it be? But, Cedar Point still sounds really fun!

  4. I agree that I would get a fast pass too. I have never been to Cedar Point but I have been to Michigan's Adventure. I would choose Michigan's Adventure over Cedar Point because Cedar Point has more intense rides. Maybe you could try getting a fast pass next time, and compare how long you have to wait with one compared to without one?

  5. I agree with this post.The Ceder points lines are just a bit to long and in most cases are a waste of time to wait and ride on.Michigan Adventure's on the other hand have slightly better lines and is more for everyone besides the adventurist.good job on the post!


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