03 October, 2014


When you are shopping, there are lots of mistakes customer service workers can make. Over my experiences this happens quite often, but mostly at Mcdonalds for me. The fries at Mcdonalds are the best thing ever, so I go there quite often. However one day at Mcdonalds, I was ordering large fries at Mcdonalds. Me and my brother Gino went to the Mcdonalds to order large fries. We ordered 2 large fries so we took a seat down to wait for our fries to come. 10 minutes had gone by, and people who came in later than we did had already gotten their orders but me and Gino had not, so we went up and told the lady at the counter and she said she would have them out soon. 10 minutes go by and we still don’t have our fries, we tell her again and she finally makes our order. not a very fun experience but i still go there, it is still my favorite restaurant.

1 comment:

  1. Good job Daniella your blog look good to me. I think you need to check your grammar. You didn't capitalize not the first word you said. Next time can you put a picture in your blog. You did your blog good and you said lots of thing about M c Donald. Don't eat to much MC Donald. Did they not listen to you or you didn't speak to loud? So bye.


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