03 October, 2014

Lots and Lots of Choices

We make lots of choices every day. Choices have to do with everything especially economics. Like when you wake up, you have the choice to brush your teeth, get dressed for the day, and brush your hair. It is a choice, you would probably want to do these things before you went to school rather than go with bad breath, messy hair, and in your jammy’s. You are constantly making choices even when you don’t know it. Like you are choosing to breathe instead of holding your breath without even thinking about it. Do you sometimes think a lot about the choices you make?


  1. Hey Elise, I do think about the choices I make all the time, and everybody should think about the choices they make. Whether it’s a good choice or a bad choice, I always think about the choice I’m making before I do it. For example: I love to play basketball, but I have to practice it so I can be good at it. If I didn’t practice basketball, I probably wouldn’t be very good at it and I would quit. But I have made the choice to practice basketball, and I’m pretty good at it! Nobody will be good at something if they don’t practice it. They have to make the choice “do I want to be good at this hobby of mine or do I not?”. Hopefully most people will choose the choice where the will be good at the hobby that they do by practicing. Your choices affect who you are in life, I hope you and I and everyone around us make the right kind of choices.

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  3. This is a very good post. As you can see I made a choice by reading this post. If you make a choice to do drugs it is a bad choice. If you choose to not do drugs it is a good choice. A choice is great for making decisions. Many decisions need a choice. It also can change your fate. We make choices everyday. What was your worst choice?


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