03 October, 2014

Choices for You and Me ;)

  So, I really, really, REALLY love food!!! But sometimes when I go to the mall to get some food, they rip me off. For example, one time when I went to Auntie Anne’s, I ordered the cinnamon sticks (which I LOVE!!!!!!!!!!) but I got the regular pretzel sticks. I was very angry with the Auntie Anne’s workers. I did not go back there to order anything for about a month or so. Then one day, my mom wanted to get cinnamon sticks and I told her what happen the last time I tried to get them, but she didn't listen to me. So, she went up to the Auntie Anne's stand, ordered cinnamon sticks, and got them!!! I guess I was a little bit surprised, but I got to share the cinnamon sticks with my mom, so I was happy! I probably could have tried to get the cinnamon sticks again, but I didn't, and that was the choice I made. I always make choices and so do you, and the choices you make can affect you in either a positive way or a negative way. In my situation, I didn't give Auntie Anne's more than one chance. Maybe if I would have given them another chance they would've gave me the cinnamon sticks that I wanted. Everything in your life just depends on the kind of choices you decide to make. What kind of choices have you made before?


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    1. I remember this one time that I went to a mexican place
      after church. The establishment was called El Azteco, and that sounded good to me. Once we ordered, I had the quesadilla, and it seemed like it would be good, but when I ate it, it was not so good. Of course, I ate the whole thing because I didn't want to act like a jerk or seem spoiled. Later that month we went back since my parents liked it. So there I was wondering what to order. I decided to give the quesadilla another shot. When we got it, I almost didn't eat it, but I tried some, and it tasted amazing! I was like “What did they do to this”? In fact, it tasted so good that I decided to order another one! And that just showed me that sometimes you need to give people second chances.

    2. Wow Ben, that situation of yours is exactly like mine! We both made the choice not to eat a certain food at a certain place after we got made at that place. But we ended up eating that food again and we loved it!! We both realized that giving anything a second chance is the right thing to do. ;)

  2. Ben I agree with you. The same thing happens to me all the time. My dad and I recently ordered a chicken griller at taco bell but ended up actually receiving a chicken quesadilla. We were mad but we both decided to just eat the chicken quesadilla since we like those as well. My dad reminded me of what one of my preschool teacher use to say to us and that was, "you get what you get and you don't throw a fit." We were too hungry to make a big deal out of receiving the wrong order.


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