14 October, 2014

Blog Episode III: The Greeks...More Than Just a Style of Yogurt

If I were to hold a vote and the class were to decide on what the next blog subject would be, that would be an example of what type of government? Democracy, right? Of course! But do you know from where democracy comes? The Greeks! We sure do seem to have snagged a lot from that ancient culture. Some say one out of every seven words in the English language are Greek in origin. And don't get me started on how much J.K. leaned on Greek myths to get her famous series rolling! Democracy, language, myths...philosophy, the Olympics, stunning architecture...so much that their society was known for remains today, woven into the fabric of our society.

So for this blog post, you will need to do a little research into the Ancient Greeks. Find something cool that you want to share and drop some of your amazing prose into our blog. Something about the Ancient Greek culture, that is. Then be sure to comment on the post of another student.

Updated grading rules:

As usual, any spelling (not word choice!) errors on the blog will result in a score of 5/10 for the assignment. If you receive this score, you may correct and re-post your work for a max grade of 8/10. 

Titled Posts
  • Must be 75+ words in length.
  • Must end with an interesting exit strategy. (A question or challenge to the reader)
  • Must contain a link to a relevant comic, cartoon, or news article. (Wikipedia does not count) 
  • AND must contain information about the culture of Ancient Greece.

  • Must be 50+ words in length.
  • Must follow the same spelling guidelines as posts.
  • Must also end with an intriguing question/challenge for the writer.
  • You must be the 1st or 2nd person to comment on a writer’s post. If there are already two comments, feel free to comment for fun, but choose another student’s post to receive credit.

Writers should (not must) respond briefly to all comments...and will be thusly rewarded!

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