15 October, 2014


The Greek Olympics were to honor the gods. The Ancient Olympics began about 700 B.C. Although it was to honor the gods it was mostly for Zeus. I thought it was kind of stupid that the women were not allowed to play in the games. They weren’t even allowed to watch the games. I think they were very hard on women. Back in ancient  Greece all the women did was stay at home cook and take care of the slaves. I mean look at women in the Olympics these days some of them are the best athletes in the world. I also think that its a lot safer now i mean they boxed with there fists and thats it. All I know is that the Olympics are good today.


  1. The woman did more than just stay at home. They kept track of family finances, organized weaving and spinning, cooked, cleaned, and kept track of the entire household. That's a lot of work for just one person. Of course they had slaves that also helped. Do you know why they did the Olympics for mainly one person?
    Why not Athena or Hades, or
    Poseidon? But Zeus? He may be king but what about his wife Hera. Wasn't she as equally important?

  2. Yeah, why can't women watch or play the Olympics?! It's so unfair!!! Apparently feminism was a thing back then as well...


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