03 October, 2014

 Too many choices, is that even possible!
                        ...well yes...yes it is

  Now don’t lie we all have this time whether its buying clothing,shoes,food,electronics,or eating out.We get so excited we kind of forget why we have been wanting it so much.So your mom or dad asks what we want to eat out and you never really know or when you getting clothing you find like three,four,or even twenty things.But then your mom or dad says ok I like it now pick one..ONE…. JUST ONE.Like seriously it just took you like 2 hours to find the stuff and you have to Pick one.one. Ug choices we all have them in or life weather its changes your life or day there always tough.So whats your input, do have this problem to or is it just me?


  1. I agree with you. I think it is really annoying when we pick out a bunch of stuff for a very long time and our parents just say to pick out one stuff. There are just so many decisions in the world! We are always making choices everyday, and some are very easy and some are just hard like picking out one item. What would you choose if you could get only one item?

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  3. I love your blog; you really captured what a choice is really about. I definitely agree with you; I hate picking only one thing at restaurants. I mean, you wait in line for about 30 minutes and wait at the table for about 20 minutes and you can only pick one thing. Sometimes if you go to a good restaurant, it is worth the wait. If you had to choose between pasta or a cheeseburger, what would you choose?


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